在解释为什么要研究乳果糖时候,论文作者用了一句话比较可笑的话“As drinking a large amountof water is not easily accommodated by PD patients, we examined whether lactuloseis able to increase breath hydrogen levels in PD patients.”让人多喝水有那么难吗?
研究结果发现,健康人喝氢气水后呼吸气中氢气的浓度10分钟内从8.6 ± 2.1上升到32.6 ± 3.3 ppm(重要数据)。口服乳果糖可以使86%(24/28)的健康人和59%(22/37)的巴金森病患者呼吸气中氢气浓度增加(作者认为可能是因为两组年龄不同造成这种差别,那么就是设计上的漏洞,应该找同年龄的为对照更好一些),而且升高的幅度也只有健康者的一半。有意思的是,有的人氢气升高是单相,而有的人是双相,健康人中有71%(20个人,另外4个人是双相),巴金森病患者中有41%(15)根本没有增加,另有32%(12)呈现出双相特征。作者认为,出现双相的增加是因为有小肠菌群移位,也就是说有一些大肠内的细菌到了不应该去的小肠内。这样口服乳果糖更早被细菌利用,产生一些氢气。(那么在食物进入大肠和小肠之间应该有一个相对不产生氢气的阶段。)换句话说,这些老年巴金森病患者中存在小肠菌群移位的比例更大一些。口服乳果糖也可使9只大鼠产生单相氢气增加。非常意外地是,口服乳果糖并不能明显改善6-OHDA巴金森病症状(只有轻微改善,没有统计学意义)。而且连续呼吸氢气的效果和口服乳果糖情况几乎完全一样。但是,间歇呼吸氢气可使6只动物中的4只获得显著改善。这个研究说明,间歇呼吸氢气的效果比连续呼吸的效果好。过去作者曾经证明,喝氢气水改善帕金森病的效果也很理想。说明口服乳果糖和连续呼吸氢气,这种连续提高体内氢气水平的方法效果不理想。这可以解释为什么我们人体内存在大量氢气,但喝氢气水或短时间呼吸氢气的效果反而更理想。
这个研究使我联想到一些所谓的预适应现象,缺血、低氧等应激或伤害性刺激动员身体发挥保护作用,几乎都是在用间歇的方式来发挥最理想的作用。这些作用都是用伤害动员保护,氢气的作用也许正是用伤害来启动保护效应。那么我们要对氢气再次另眼相看了。不过这个现象需要用其他的模型来验证,不可以随意推断这种现象的普遍意义。还如,尽管 1周口服效果不理想,也许2周的口服效果就不一定了。(2012年我介绍这个文章的时候,提出氢气通过类预适应的效应,这种作用的逻辑是氢气是一种弱损伤刺激或弱氧化应激刺激。目前看这一推断仍然可能存在。)
The participants refrained from all food,supplements, and drugs, except water, for at least 12 hours before the studies.Forstudies of hydrogen water, the healthy participants rested in a sittingposition for at least 30 min and took 200 ml of hydrogen-saturated water.End-alveolar breath was obtained in a closed aluminum bag every 5 min for 60min. For studies of lactulose, thehealthy participants and PD patients took 6 g lactulose in 50 ml of water, which was the conventional dosein clinical practice.(动物他们用的剂量是10倍,说耐受力更强不拉肚子) Endalveolar breath wasobtained in a closed aluminum bag every 10 min for 180 min. The breath wasimmediately transferred to a gas-tight glass syringe and 1 ml was injected intoEAGanalyzer GS-23 to measure hydrogen concentrations.
Weused five different protocols of hydrogen administration. For controls (n = 5)and hydrogen water (n = 5), we used the data that we reported previously [9].To confirm that we could still observe prominent effects of hydrogen water, weanalyzed two additional rats with control water and two with hydrogen water.Lactulose (3.0 g) wasdissolved in 100 ml drinking water. As ~250-g rats took ~25 ml of water perday, the rats took ~3.0 g/kg/dayof lactulose, which was 10 times higher than the conventional dose of 0.3 g/kg/day for humans (18 g/day for 60 kg body weight). As the safe maximum dose oflactulose for rats was 12 g/kg/day,the rats well tolerated ~3.0 g/kg/dayof lactulose without overt adverse effects including diarrhea. For continuousadministration of 2% hydrogen gas, two rats were placed in a 20-liter air-tightchamber, which was continuously supplied with 8 liter/min of 2% hydrogen gas(Iwatani, Tokyo, Japan). For intermittentadministration of 2% hydrogen gas, the 20-liter air-tight chamber was suppliedserially with 2% hydrogen gas for 15 min and then room air for 45 min at 8liter/min using a time controller. The one-hour cycle was repeated 12 timesfrom 6 pm to 6 am to recapitulate the habit of drinking water once every hourin the dark [10]. Each hydrogenadministration protocol was started 1 week before the surgery. We used thePrizm 4.0c(GraphPad Software, La Jolla,CA) for statistical analyses.为什么所有的氢气给予都是在手术前1周,作者认定是间接作用吗。提前几个小时没有效果吗。按照这个文章中的信息,似乎氢气是在口服乳果糖后6小时最理想。
Drinking hydrogen water and intermittent hydrogen gas exposure, but not lactulose or continuous hydrogen gas exposure, prevent 6-hydorxydopamine-induced Parkinson’s disease in rats[J]. Med Gas Res. 2012, 2(1):15.